I have been a season ticket holder for the Eagles since 1993. I have not missed a game (that fans could attend) since 1992.
What was it like being back at the Linc! In a word DIFFERENT!
Believe it or not there were some cool things
The fans who were there...they seemed to be the diehards!!
I was in the stadium! But not in my regular seats. It just didn't feel right, but I was in the stadium.
We got in early and had free reign to run around and find our fan cut outs. It was actually kinda fun. We were just so happy to be in the Linc! The stadium had energy, but just not the same as before, but the normal game day buzz wasn't there. Walking the concourse felt like walking in a mall, not getting ready to go see the Birds play. We tried to get loud, but there just wasn’t enough of us. When the Eagles scored it did not have that crazy mob going nuts like normal! I missed that! The loud Fight song. The crazy E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES Chants...... we tried, but the deafening echo wasn't there. When the Eagles scored, you didn't high five strangers. you smacked a cut out...
You couldn’t tailgate which sucked. BUT you also didn’t get the crazy drunks who ruins it for everyone around you.
I really did miss the crazy party atmosphere before the game. Walking through the Wells Fargo lot...smelling the food. See all the crazy Eagles fans, the blaring music, the overall we are in this together. We couldn't do it. There is nothing like walking through the parking lot on an Eagles game day. It was sad walking in. It was sterile.
My emotions were all over the place. There are things I missed so much. I was just happy to be in stadium!
I was a home today never again do I want to miss a home game! Win or lose I wanna be there! I just can't wait to get back to crazy normal again.